5 years ago Chuck and Freddie roamed the streets. Everybody never left their house. They just sit in there beds listening to the violence that Chuck made every night. Well that was the past now his is beautiful Sunny dale, California, one of the most beautiful states in all of America. “I’m Ron Billings's with Fox 4 news at 6:00”.”We’ve got breaking news; there has been a mysterious kidnapping”.” Craig Dalton of Northwest Sunny dale was walking down the street, when he saw this figure get sucked into the ground in the Dawn of the Dead Graveyard!”. “He went down to investigate when he felt this vibrating feeling coming from the ground.” He claims that after the vibrating feeling he heard this mysterious crunching noise”. “He had also found an eyeball the size of a golf ball”. Craig Morgan of Northeast Sunny dale says it could be Chuck and Freddie working together.
My FBI team has been trying to figure out this terrifying figures coming out at night and kidnapping all the children. Everybody that has been kidnapped is dead because this is Chuck and Freddie working together trying to kidnappe and turn the world into a ghost town. We have known that they are dead because Freddie sucks all the blood out of the bodies and throws them out of the grave that they are hiding in looking for another victim.
There is still no sign of Chuck so he is still hibernating, but there were a bunch of signs of Freddie. Dinosaur size bite marks, Blood drippings by the body and on the body. Freddie’s zombie army was killed. We have killed Freddie so with Chuck still in hibernation the world is safe again.
Craig Morgan woke up one night and heard his mom screaming his name. He soon woke up and was relieved that it was only a dream. He had one dream about Chuck and that scared his pants off. He soon never had a problem with Chuck and Freddie until the next Halloween